Deepika Mishra
@Radiantwelbeing · 0:55

How can teenagers and young adults keep their emotional health in check?

We'll explore various issues and provide practical tips and insights to navigate the emotional roller coaster of life. So mark your calendar and get ready for an engaging and informative podcast session with Shia Goya. See you


Janvi Sharma
@Janvi._.sharma · 4:37
So first of all it's self awareness and we should encourage teach teenagers and young adults to develop self awareness by helping them recognize and understand their emotions. Second is emotional regulation. We should know and all should know actually these strategies for managing emotions effectively such as deep breathing exercises, journaling meditation and engaging in activities we enjoy. Then we have healthy coping mechanism. We should promote the use of healthy coping mechanism
Sreya Goel
@sreya201101 · 4:49


But I think what you should implement now take care of your physical health also that will give you a better emotional health any day. Because well being wellness is all about the balance between your physical health and your emotional health. Emotional health comes first but it can't go perfectly without the support of your physical health. Sleep at the right time, wake up at the right time, at least 7 hours of sleep you need which is very important for emotional health
Deepika Mishra
@Radiantwelbeing · 0:24
Hi, Shia. Very good morning and welcome. Let's start out today's interview. My first question to you is teenagers and young adults, they often face unique emotional challenges during this transitional phase when you know they are neither children nor they feel like adults. So how do you approach supporting and guiding them in developing strong emotional wellbeing, so
Sreya Goel
@sreya201101 · 5:00


So you should share all your emotions with them. Most of the and you should make them understand the purpose of that emotion and how to express how much to express when and how to control and how much to control where and when. It is very important and according to me which is very important, that is they should be uncomfortable enough, not comfortable. We as a parent always try to make our children very comfortable in everything. So let them be uncomfortable
Khushiii Nagar
@Khushi05 · 0:16
Hello, deepika ma'am. Hello, Shia. Ma'am. My question to you is that how satisfied you are with your life nowadays and what all the things you included in your daily routine for the mental wellbeing of your mind
Deepika Mishra
@Radiantwelbeing · 3:01


That I have good work that keeps me happy, that keeps me satisfied and that pays me well. So these are simple things. And then before going to bed again, I do the same routine where I go for a walk and I switch off my phone, I just set up the alarm and I put my phone away. And then before falling asleep, we make sure that we talk to each other in the family for 1015 minutes, 30 minutes sometimes. Yeah
Sreya Goel
@sreya201101 · 4:34


I take good nutrition and I hang out with friends, positive people, successful people. And I do exercise every day, which is very important. And in an emotional part, which I do, which is very important, according to me is the first thing is we should have an attitude of gratitude. We should always feel grateful. We should have gratitude always. Second thing acceptance. Anything or everything the way it is. We should accept it as it is
happy kewlani
@hansa · 1:09
Like if we are talking to anybody they are like oh, I don't want to do that. I'm not interested. I am a little depressed now. So this depression word has gained a whole new meaning and I think that it is very different from what it actually means. So I just want to ask that what exactly this depression means. And even if we are having this lightest inconvenience in our life we tend to say that oh my God, I'm so depressed
Deepika Mishra
@Radiantwelbeing · 3:17


So workout, whether it is dancing to your favorite music for 30 minutes, or whether it is going out for a walk with your dog, or any form of workout, it doesn't matter. You don't have to do calisthenics or yoga or some workout that you don't like. Just do anything but move your body. The more you move your body, the more happier you will feel. And go out in the sun
Sreya Goel
@sreya201101 · 4:55


So first we need to understand between the difference between this depression and sadness. Most of the people sad these days but depression is in trend. So everybody use this word depression. The first thing we should do the first things we should do to recognize whether a person is really in depression or not. We need to check their physical health. We need to understand their pattern. That what different pattern they are following right now. Like eating habit
Sreya Goel
@sreya201101 · 0:47


Just do right thing, do good things, be a good person, have kindness, have empathy. And I think this is the best way to deal with emotional roller coasters
Deepika Mishra
@Radiantwelbeing · 0:37
You. Thank you for answering that. So, social media has become an integral part of the lives of many teenagers and young adults. Even I have a 13 year old son, and I know that he spends a lot of time on various social media, be it YouTube, be it Instagram or be it their discord, but it can also have a significant impact on their emotional health. Right. So how do you help individuals navigate the potential pitfalls and pressures of social media in relation to their emotional?
Sreya Goel
@sreya201101 · 4:25


So that he can also feel interested on them and he also listened to them. And I make sure that he listens to those posts or read those posts so that he should also feel interested in good things. So like in these few strategies you can give them a good direction towards social media so that they don't invest more than enough time in social media but a limited time they should invest because social media has many good impacts also
Janvi Sharma
@Janvi._.sharma · 2:05
You rightly mentioned about how we a parent should go ahead being frank and friendly with their children while also maintaining a parental authority, which is very important for us children because when we see our parents, we should always see them as a parental authority, a strict parent, while also people who we can share our feelings, our problems with, because there always should be a stable balance so that we don't go ahead and take them lightly
Sreya Goel
@sreya201101 · 4:48


From both the aspects we have to learn many things. And every day I have to be a better version of mine. And every day I need to be in a growth mindset, in a learnable mindset that helps a lot in case of emotional health. Second, always maintain a routine of disciplined routine, which is very important. Physical actually, always work on your emotion with your emotional health, physical health also, because both are interrelated
Smita jojo
@Smitazzz · 0:37
You. Hello, Shia. Ma'am. So I have a very basic question to ask you. Like, everyone faces some sort of stress and problem in their lives. And if the stress is acute, it's okay because it help in the productivity. But however, if the stress is chronic, it might lead to the problem of anxiety and depression. And of course, anxiety and depression is a very common problem, very common issue we teenagers faces
Sreya Goel
@sreya201101 · 4:39


Hello Smita. Very practical question. Actually this is the reality. Every third people are facing this depression and almost everyone feel anxiety and all my suggestion would be the first thing everyone irrespective of age, teenage or not teenage, doesn't matter. The most important thing is self analysis which is very important. We need to analyze ourselves. We need to understand what are our strengths, what are our weakness, what are those things which are there, which are in our control
Deepika Mishra
@Radiantwelbeing · 0:21
Those are some really good pointers. Thank you. Let's jump to the next question now, self esteem and selfimage can greatly affect the emotional wellbeing of teenagers and young adults. What strategies or exercises do you recommend to help them cultivate a positive self perception and build resilience against negative influences?
Sreya Goel
@sreya201101 · 4:31


In today's world, in the environment they are growing up, there are so many negative influences. But you know what, as a parent we need to guide them to find that few positive influences which will change their life. That's what we should do. And there are some strategies through which we can really make our child so positive that they will not get attracted to any negative influences and they will always affirm or attract positive influences
Deepika Mishra
@Radiantwelbeing · 0:32
I totally agree with you on everything that you said. So the transition from adolescence to adulthood can bring about feelings of uncertainty. We all have been there. Humbie adolescent therapy, teenagers say. And I know how we used to feel at that time. All these feelings are also accompanied with stress and anxiety a lot of times. So how can parents help young individuals in managing these emotions and building the necessary skills to thrive during this period of their lives?
Sreya Goel
@sreya201101 · 4:38


Give them resources, give them so many social resources, normal as example resources and guidance, to be a good person, to be an empathetic kind person, to be a strong person to how they can control their emotions and always give a good behavior. They will also build a good behavior even between you and your spies. Also you always should understand we should have a good behavior between both of us. So that actually that is going to be an example for your kid
Deepika Mishra
@Radiantwelbeing · 0:31
That is so right. We should not ever take our physical health any less seriously whatever phase of life we are in. That brings us to my last question to you. In your experience, what are some common misconceptions or stigmas surrounding the emotional wellbeing of teenagers and young adults? And how can the parents address these misconceptions and from a better understanding of very unique needs of their children?
Sreya Goel
@sreya201101 · 4:50


I always say be a friendly parent like I will keep saying this because this balance between friendliness and the strictness is very important. Too much of anything is always bad. Keep a healthy balance between parent and child and educate themselves. Educate themselves? Give them responsibilities. Educate themselves about all the social, current social causes and current social incidents. And many things they are going to face. So educate them, talk with them openly, have an open conversation. Don't ignore their questions
Inika Choudhary
@inikachoudhary · 1:09


I mean, we've heard about how overburdening students again impacts them negatively, and then even teachers are overburdened, and it's a very unhealthy competition that is provided in schools nowadays. So I'd like to hear your opinions on whether you think this is true or not, and to what extent it hampers a child's creativity and their overall development, and also how they can overcome it, both from the student side as well as the school management and the teacher's side. Thank you
Sreya Goel
@sreya201101 · 3:05


From the side of teachers and school management, I think if you can maintain this to a traffic, I think this relationship can become more better in education system. And one more thing. I will say that this competition and rad press, whatever you are saying that yes, these days these are big headache. But I think teachers and management should encourage children to have the feeling of self love, self caring, self caring awareness
Kaif Malik
@i.kaifmalik · 0:38
Good afternoon, Dr. Smita. Before I begin, I want to take a moment to appreciate the valuable things that you shared with us today. I'm sure it will help a lot of individuals to navigate their emotions and improve their wellbeing. My first question for you is, what inspired you to become an emotional coach? Was there a specific moment or experience that let you down this path? And my second question for you is, what do you find most rewarding about your work as an emotional coach?
Sreya Goel
@sreya201101 · 4:39


I have that gratitude and I want to pass this to each one, to everyone around me, even the people I don't know. So that inspired me to become a wellness coach. And today I love my work. And the answer of next question is your happiness matters a lot. Peace of mind and happiness matters a lot. But you become more happier when because of you, many people become happy, become healthy. The best thing you can give to anyone is a physical and mental good health
gungun bansal
@gungunbansal_ · 0:53
Hi, serial team. Thank you so much for bringing her on this platform. It's really, really important for us to talk about it. So I'm a part of Genji generation. I really have one question to ask. My parents are very way too conservative. You know, they want your life to be lived by according to them. They never want you to go out, to have male friends, to wear whatever you want to wear, to eat whatever you want to eat
Anshika Mishra
@anshikaaa.aa · 1:01
So what I would love to know from you is if someone is really emotional, is it a good sign or a bad sign? And if it is a good thing, then how can one actually utilize it? And how can one keep themselves, keep their emotional well being in a balanced situation? Thank you
Khushiii Nagar
@Khushi05 · 0:24
Thank you so much, ma'am, for the compliment. And it's really nice of you that you show gratitude after waking up in the morning and before going to the bed. I am looking forward to add this in my daily schedule so that I'll be able to show my gratitude towards people. All the things I will, I am gratitude I'm grateful for
Khushiii Nagar
@Khushi05 · 0:28
Thank you so much, ma'am, for sharing your experience with me. It is very helpful. And it turned out really helpful. I mean, I got to know about how our physical and mental health are related. So, like, keeping your physical health will automatically refresh your mind, and you will be able to be more happy, more energy. It so, yes, it really helps. Thank you
