Nisha Singh
@Pustaki.Keedi · 3:31

Food for Thought from a Dietitian - Can everyone enjoy Mangoes?

Yes, everyone can safely enjoy mangoes, including people suffering from diabetes and even the ones who are on a weight management journey. Now, mangoes, the key is that you should not club it with any meal. We Indians are notorious to club mangoes with our meals, and that's a big no. Always remember, portion control moderation are the two important keywords for us. One medium sized mango or three to four slices of a mango are what you can safely enjoy

#dietitian #food #mango #health #wellness #nutriwellness #nutrition #swell #holistic

Avneet .
@avneet_ · 0:40
Who. I think the Summer King Mangoes are finally ready to make an entry in the market. And I think it's really thoughtful of you as a dietitian and nutrition to help us with this sweet little snippets and series of foods. And your thought about that, it really helped me because I am a big fan of mangoes. I tell you, people also do say like, you get asthma if you eat too much of it