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Sonali Sharma
@authorsonaliย ยทย 1:20

Evenings with Tea& talksโ˜• Ft. Conversation with Tainishi Gola

The conversation will go as a various mix of themes like love, heartbreak, death but they are not just limited to these. There are also poems that cover various other topics like betrayal, crime, mystery while few also radiate the sense of longingness. The poems are varying in length and style and they do not have a fixed pattern that they follow. However, the most of them follow a certain unique rhyming scheme and many poems among these have a story being told through them

#IndiaSpotlight #Authorinterview ๐Ÿ“šBook in focus - Tea at Dawn

Sonali Sharma
@authorsonaliย ยทย 1:46
It's so good to have you here and before we directly begin I would like you to tell us something about yourself which our audience don't know about maybe some interesting facts and tell us how did your writing journey started? What was the inspiration behind it and what got you into book publishing and made you publish this book? So yes, wishing you good evening once again and over to
tanishi gola
@TanishiGolaย ยทย 2:47


So sometimes if I'm outside and I see something very interesting happen, or if I'm just lying in bed at night and I get a thought and I think that okay, this is something interesting, I try to write about it. So I have been writing for a long time, but majorly, I think for this particular book I've been writing for the past four years. This compilation is all of my poetry from 2019
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonaliย ยทย 1:09
Hi, Tanishi. So good to hear from you and glad to know your journey. Pretty inspiring one. And especially, you know, when something comes out of the heart from the passion and especially the personal experiences, that piece of art, be it poetry, be it writing, be it stories, be it art or music, it touches the hearts of the people
tanishi gola
@TanishiGolaย ยทย 1:41


You. I completely agree with you that when our own emotions and our own experiences come into play, the art becomes just much more meaningful to the audience as well. And sharing that feels relatable and it just feels great. If I have to talk about the themes of my book, there are various themes to it and I think one why I decided to name it Tea at dawn was because there is a certain feeling in the concept of tea that I personally am very touched with
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonaliย ยทย 1:17
So pretty sure the readers might have got more clarity and they will be much excited and eager to read your book. And we know that your book comprises of various themes, different set of emotions, love, heartbreak, mystery, crime. So how did you decide to go on this emotional mixed approach? And as you said, there were some personal experiences. So what is the majority of the portion when it comes to personal experience? Like, what kind of emotion have you related with the poems?
tanishi gola
@TanishiGolaย ยทย 2:39


I have written it for people, I've written it about people, I've written it about instances that happened with me. And on the other hand, I have stories that I come up with which majorly revolve around darker themes and grimmer themes like death or maybe murder. And I think I have an act of weaving stories. So I feel an emotion and I think I hold on to it and then I try to weave a story about around it
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonaliย ยทย 1:30
So could you share about the process of channelizing those emotions into your writing, as in from the practical aspect to the theory approach, when you want to place the words on the paper and any particular experience that helped you in fueling your creativity? Maybe when we say that we experience writers blocks, some of them love listening music, some of them just go out, take a walk, sit with nature. So, like anyone, such practice that has helped you out in your entire writing journey
tanishi gola
@TanishiGolaย ยทย 3:06


You? Yes, I completely agree that readers do deserve and are entitled to the luxury of reading our books and our works to the fullest. If I had to talk about my own writing process and how I came up with all of my poems, I think there are a few practices that I follow that help me write and most of the times is spontaneous
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonaliย ยทย 1:36
And you were like, wow, this is the also thing that exists. So, overall, your entire experience while publishing the book or if any difficulty you have faced, what did you learn from it?
tanishi gola
@TanishiGolaย ยทย 3:17


I actually went through multiple iterations of the order I would place them, how I would section my book, what all poems would go to it, what all I would still keep hidden. So that took about a month and a half for me. And I think after that, I reached out to publishers, I formed my manuscript and my proposal, where I had a few sample poems and a little bit about me and about my process
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonaliย ยทย 1:53
So firstly, I wish you congratulations on your book Tear Dawn once again. And before I move forward with the last question, I would like to thank you for being such a wonderful guest and taking out your valuable time and sharing your author journey behind the scenes of writing your book and how you were inspired to start your writing journey and present the piece of heart to your audience, to our readers, with your book Tea at dawn
tanishi gola
@TanishiGolaย ยทย 1:38


I mean, until we put it out, we won't know if they like it or not, and we can't fathom if they would like it or not. So I think putting your work out is one of the biggest things that we should all do and never hesitate. That, I think, yeah, that's the one advice I would like to share. And again, thank you so much for this conversation. It was lovely to talk to you
