Professor Z
@Professor42 · 4:48

"Tax The Rich, Eat The Rich"

But I do not believe that just because somebody else worked hard and took a risk to try to attain something, attain a goal or achieve something, then other people should rightfully be entitled for what they worked for. And this is sort of how it ties into Elon Musk and his tax bill. Now, again, I would like to state that. Yeah, I do believe he should be paying a fair share of taxes, but I don't know if 11 billion is a right figure

Independent politically, Middle class. Accepting of any and all opinions. What are your thoughts on taxing the rich?

Robert K
@Neopatriarch · 2:03

Don't hurt people, and don't take thier stuff...

We tell ourselves that we pay a fair share to make ourselves feel better about what we have to pay or what gets taken from somebody else. There's people out there that are going to say that's not extortion. Well, don't pay your taxes, see what happens. It's not voluntary. If you don't pay your taxes, they're going to come seize your property. If you won't give your property, they'll lock you up
Indy Rishi Singh
@MysticScientist · 4:22
We know, the experts, the people who work in different communities, the Native American community, the different organizations that are involved with supporting the health and wellness and the prosperity of the different communities to come together and be like, hey, how do we create a tax structure that supports everyone? It doesn't take right. But that does support the infrastructure