PastorD Smith
@PastorDrDSmith · 4:59

Life is Short Take a Seat

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We as God's children, kings and priests, a royal priesthood, we should take a rightful place in God. We in right standing with God because of what Jesus did on the cross. So we can truly rest. Rest in the authority of God. Take a seat. Life is short. Not for the world to rule us, but for us to take our seat and have dominion. I pray that was a blessing to you. This has been Pastord Smell

#PowerofGod #DrLadyD #PastorDSmith

@WarPig73 · 1:01
Hey, Pastor D. What's going on? To war, pig 73 here. I absolutely love the bible verses because obviously, as a Christian, I mess up daily. But the cool thing about daily is his grace and his forgiveness is eternal. And I love the fact that motivation comes from a book of old experiences and new experiences