Adenike Nana Esie
@nourishyou · 2:04

I take shape

I am energy unlimited, the timely answers received spontaneously from a listening universe. I take shape to swim in the unfolding tide to bloom within and beyond the plane in all orbit again as pure expression I am my voice and sense innate this is poetry formless I take shape. Poem

Poem about coming of a certain age… #aquarius

Khalid Hanif
@theElvnth_Our · 1:09
Greetings. Golly, that was fascinating. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I'm sure it was exactly what so many of us needed to hear. As I listened to that piece unfold, it was like an unfurling. I found myself in draw with an energy of validation. You spoke so much reverence into the spaces that the peace and deed took form in my mind and my spirit
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 1:50
Why didn't I not think about that? Clever, all of that aquarius energy at work. Love it. This one was quite a bit different from some of the other poems you've been writing, and it reminded me a lot more of some of your earliest work. So is there a return to the source in this evolution? Interesting. Thank you so much for sharing. Always listen to your girl
DawnMaria Bradley
@Pixiepoet4life · 0:49
Absolutely gorgeous, gorgeous piece. I love it. Yes, yes. The coming of the Age of Aquarius. Absolutely. I love it. I am cosmically connected, and I definitely can dig that vibe. I enjoyed this piece. I think it was whimsical and just fluid and deep, and it makes you think, and it makes you have to perceive through imagery what is being really spoken about between the lines. And so I loved it. I love, love, loved it