Neal Damiano
@NealD · 1:45

Technology: Has technology gone too far for ways of convenience vs human communications?

article image placeholderMicrochip future?
And then they get scanned on their way out and all their information is taken and they get billed. There is facilities out there like that from Amazon. I also know that there are companies out there that are already starting to install chips into their employees arms for what they say ID purposes. Now my question is, do you think this is evasive? Do you think this is completely going over the boundaries of Privacy as a human being? Does it take away our rights? Privacy pretty deep question

Talking Technology: Has modern advances in technology taken away are humaneness ? Chips being installed in the human body scary or the future.

Izzy S-L
@Izzy · 2:51
I feel like Privacy just like many things in life evolves with time. So when we're talking about Privacy, I think our definition of Privacy modern day is a lot different than a century ago. I think that now we are a lot more open and eager to be less private in order to connect with others and gain some type of convenience
Neal Damiano
@NealD · 3:05


But I'm a firm believer in Privacy, and now it's like the private public. You know, nobody wants to be private anymore. And me personally, I use my social media outlets to promote myself. Mainly, I don't put personal or private stuff on there. I never have some people like to do that. I'll never understand it, but I don't do that. But it's a choice
Izzy S-L
@Izzy · 1:31
That's scary to me, because I think one of the most beautiful things that we have as humans is the choice to do something or to not do something. And I would hope that we can maintain that even with new technology coming in, because that's what new technology should be is the choice to do something or not to do something. So we'll see what ends up happening
Scorpio Gang
@TheScorpioGang · 2:40
Like, we would have to ban certain technologies in order for us to really even have any kind of control over any real, like, real regulation or control over how this technology is. I guess, allowed to be forced upon us, if that makes sense, because it's going to come down to like, if you have to get an implant in your own to check in work, clock in work
Neal Damiano
@NealD · 1:41


Hi, Izzy. Thanks for the reply. Yeah, it is a choice right now, but down the doomed future, I personally think it's going to come down to to not being a choice, and that's where it gets scary, because companies are making employees right now install the chip in their arm. It's happening. It's definitely happening. And it hasn't gotten over here yet, but it's creeping around the corner and we're losing our Privacy gradually
Neal Damiano
@NealD · 2:45


And now they don't want you to pay cash for things supposedly because of the pandemic, but they can track everywhere you're shopping with your debit cards. And I don't want to get too deep down into the rabbit hole because you seem like an informed brother, but the s*** is going down