Denise Lewis
@myconfettitree3 · 4:59

Is manifesting real

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But there's parts of me, I guess, that I still doubt it sometimes, but it's kind of crazy when you, when you think about the word manifestation, it's like magic, like something magically happening. But the only thing I can say is the other thing with my dream, sorry, I'm kind of my 80 day because I'm getting ready to go to bed
Gary Brown
@garyplaysbone · 3:15
I'm going to manifest my fluency in Spanish by first downloading this duolingo app everybody's using, taking ten minutes a day to learn some words or hunting down people I can practice with and kind of imagining what is it going to be like several years from now when I'm traveling to Barcelona and having a conversation with a taxi driver in Spanish, even though I don't speak any words of spanish today, for example. So that's an example
Denise Lewis
@myconfettitree3 · 1:30


Hello and thank you for your reply. I appreciate that. Yeah, manifestation is something I've been kind of investigating, I guess you would call it, for a few months now. And I write down a lot of things that I'm looking into and a lot of things that I want to inquire about. And so manifestation was one of them. And like I said, I appreciate your feedback and you're right with your thoughts