Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 0:27

How old are you?

Good morning, swell community. This is your boy Mtois. Listen, I got a really simple question for you all this morning. How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? Are? How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are? It's a real simple question, and I would love some feedback on it


I know that others have said that either I act beyond my age or immaturely when they are making comments. Because of course, people don't normally make comments if you status quoing it. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's an interesting thing about how not only society perceives his age and shoulds and expectations and so on, but even how we keep them upon ourselves. Yeah. Anyway, interesting question. Antoine, you're going to have to answer that for us too
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 3:26


I'm not old like you say I am. I still feel like I'm young enough to do it with these young guys. And that's what I'm going to do. I still feel like I'm their age, basically. And I thought about that myself. I said, well, how old? Because I'm a person, I don't celebrate my birthday. I've only celebrated in my life, I've only celebrated milestone birthdays 1821 and 50


And yeah, I'm glad you posed this question. I'm just also remembering there's also it might be on TikTok, I don't know, but there's about four maybe seniors who live in a home together. The youngest, I think, is 70
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 1:02
Yeah, that would definitely be nice. But, you know, it's not the way the world works, unfortunately. But yeah, it's just it it never ceases to amaze me how I see people that just buy into it, just blindly buy into it, and then when you ask them about it, they'll even just regurgitate something they've been told, and it'll sound so plastic and like a ready made phrase
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:20

I feel my age, oddly enough. 🤷🏾‍♂️

It's a weird question for me to gauge because I guess in this instance I'm more of the here and now and I have memories of the past and those things influence me into now, which will impact my future. But I don't necessarily think in terms of my age younger than what I really am. Yeah, hopefully that helps
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 0:26
Okay, so, Dewuan, here's here's a here's a flip side to that question. You say you feel your age. You feel 38. Well, since this is the first time you've ever been 38 in your life, how do you know what 38 is supposed to feel like? How do you know 38 ain't supposed to feel different than what it feels on you now? And I'm just playing devil's advocate
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 2:39

@Mtwadamela this is the best i got. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤣

It's crazy that this question kind of stumps me, but it does. I don't really even know how to think about it honestly of my age. I have been 38 for a little while. I have my birthday November 9. So I've had a couple of months of feeling 38 and what I have felt seems consistent enough to where it feels like 38. But sometimes with age, I don't necessarily have new experiences at each age. Sometimes these experiences come several ages later
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 2:29
It really forces you to really think because then you have to think, okay, well, even the concept of the age I'm at now, because regardless whether you've been 38 for five months, six months, whatever, this is your first time being 38, and you'll never be 38 again. It just makes me wonder if a person lived. It shows me just how relative time really is. Time is really a relative concept in a lot of ways
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 1:21

@Mtwadamela 🤝

I look forward to getting older, though, and I know a lot of people my age, they actually fear getting older. It's something that they have trepidation with, whereas for me, it's like, bring it on, bring it on. I'm getting bored being 38. Let's speed it up a little bit. But, yeah, these are the sorts of questions for me that are like, on dating apps, like ice Breaker questions like this
Lance Watson
@lwatsonjr · 4:29

@Mtwadamela: 44, with a few weeks left,…

Because I think the idea that we are to correspond with society and the world in a specific way based on our age is a dated modality or at best it's outmoded. Because I know some very mature young people by various standards and then I also know some very immature elders. I don't know if that mode, that modality of understanding age and maturity or even if there is a correlation between the two. Right