Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:54

#AskSwell: Homeschool or Public School?

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And so I know there's been some concerns about the homeschooling environment, such as the socialization of students and their ability to be able to learn without a licensed teacher giving the instruction. I have several friends that homeschool their children by choice. Some of them have been homeschooling their children from the beginning. They've never been to public school, they've always been homeschooled

#education #school #learning #classroom

Carly D
@Astroality · 4:53
You. I'm so glad I caught this topic. So here's what you should know. My child attended private school until the pandemic hit. And then the pandemic hit and the private school let them come back, then closed again. Then let them come back, then closed again. And my child came to me and said, mom, this is too much. Much. One day we're in school, the next day we're not
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 2:22
Hey, this is a great question and conversation. I'm not a parent, so I don't have a stake in the I don't have a direct stake in the conversation. I know it can be very polarizing. Some people think that the homeschooling movement is undermining public education and some people homeschooling think that public schools are just a complete nightmare. I've, you know, I've met people, I've known people who've home schooled their kids and kids are well adjusted and smart and educated
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:36
And they're learning real life interactions and not so much the structured school setting, which people say often prepares us just for the workforce. We're taught how to punch a clock and go home, and so it doesn't prepare us for entrepreneurship or anything other outside the box home school does. Also, the part about licensed teachers, you know what's funny about that to me, Tanya, is that you have parents who've gone through the entire school system here in the US
Alie Hunter
@AlieH · 3:36
And I think it's incredible that people are trying to reach beyond just the ABCs and the one two, three S, but because there's so much that they're putting on teachers besides curriculum, besides just regular, like, let's teach you how to read and how to write. Our kids are behind
Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 5:00


Hello. This question this question is one of the things that I am most passionate about. I'm going to be that old guy that stirs the pot, throws the wrench in the machinery. Am an enormous advocate for public school. I think, quite frankly, that homeschooling is out of control. Homeschooling is in my what I'm experienced with is not about the children, it's about the parents. The parents deciding what they feel is acceptable for their child to encounter
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:28


And if you send your kids to public school, it's because you lack values and you don't protect your children and all these different things. And so it used to not be like that, though. It used to just be a matter of preference. We just prefer to home school our children. We just prefer to send our kids to school. And so, yes, it has definitely become a polarizing issue. In fact, Kirk Cameron has a documentary on PureFlex where he's advocating for homeschooling
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:44


I have another friend who homeschools, and that was one of the reasons why she homeschooled, is because she didn't want her children to be vaccinated. And so they chose to homeschool. And she's been homeschooling her children from the beginning. None of them have ever been to a public school of any kind. They've been homeschooled in the home their whole lives, and that's all they know. Now, she also was homeschooled up until high school
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:08


And we need to, as people who are educators, people who are parents and other professionals that are associated with the education system, need to champion for classes and courses that are going to truly impact our kids in a positive way and to help prepare them for life out after high school. So thank you so much for your input
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:33


I would homes school my child if I felt like this was something that was the best way for them to thrive in their education. But also, I want my children to be happy to go to school. I want them to enjoy going to school and not feel isolated away from people and life because they have to do everything at home. So, thank you so much for your input
Jeremiah Myer
@Jeremiah73 · 4:15


We need to all, collectively, parents, grandparents, everybody, every citizen who coles about our country, our young people, our communities need to pull together and demand that our schools are fully funded. And the first pardon me, there's a big truck going by doing my little part for the school. I'm a school crossing guard. I've been a school crossing guard for eight years, and it's been a lot of fun. But we need to demand that schools are properly funded
4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 4:55

The school system is broken

I mean, go watch Project Veritas videos. There are people that work around kids that should be nowhere near kids, nowhere near kids. And they should probably be behind bars, but the school system can't fire them. And so they continue to work around kids because why not? I'm going to have to turn it into a second swell. But the benefits of homeschooling are insane, and there's many reasons for that
4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 4:59

I don’t think the school system can be fixed

It's. If a kid is out behind the school smoking cigarettes, well, it must be, you know, oh, advice. Yeah, smokes. It's cool to smoke cigarettes. And then all these kids just start smoking cigarettes and they're, you know, smoking through high school and whatever else
4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 4:55


So you're starting off at a lower wage at a younger age, but the further up you go, you're unwilling to do you know what hard work was? You did it. You're not willing to do it anymore unless you're getting paid well for it. And in general, that's usually what happens. And somebody mentioned about plumbers. Yeah, you want to know what a plumber makes? No, you don't want to know. Plumbers make insane amounts of money
article image placeholderDon't Stay in School
4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 3:56

Parents keep an eye on your kids

Well, lastly, I'll just say this. As parents, you've got to keep an eye on what your kids are up to. You've got to know the struggles that they're having, because too many times kids get depressed because of some kind of crap that ain't going to matter in school. I see it happen all the time
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:34


We have homeschool, parents and kids, and then I have met other homeschool kids along the way in life. But growing up, we didn't have home school kids around us on a regular basis. And homeschooling wasn't something that was done on a routine basis when I was in school, only done in cases where there was an exceptional situation going on. But just people homeschooling their children because that wasn't a thing. And so thank you so much for providing all of that insight
Jordan Tepper
@JordanTepper · 4:11
I think the only thing that's holding you back is the resources that you may or may not have and I think that those resources are on an equal level, whether you're homeschooled or not
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:53

Part 1

And I'm leaving this kid alone as a brand new 6th grader. Like, listen, here's your school schedule. Sign into classes, do your work. I have your login information. I will be sporadically logging in, and I better see your camera on because that was my heel. I was going to die on. I was like, listen, I don't care if you guys are online
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:59

Part 2

To me, it's the same as homeschooling, but there is a group that say that they are unschoolers or nonschoolers or something like that where they just let everyday life be the teacher for their kid. I don't know about that. However, I'm not going to judge anyone because I'm not doing it. So who am I to judge? And who knows, they might be looking at me thinking, how gross you have your kid in public school. I don't know
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 2:57


I think whether homeschooling is beneficial for you depends on a number of things. First of all, I think homeschooling will be considering that they have the necessary resources and parent availability at home. Homeschooling will always be faster, a faster learning pace than the school environment. Because in the school environment, I say this as a teacher, especially nowadays, you have to spend a lot of time redirecting and managing the entire classroom