Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:34

Young Men Don’t Want to Pay for Dates Anymore

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It seems like in this generation, the date just doesn't end after dinner. That there has to be a payback, a reimbursement for all this money and time that was spent so that the young man doesn't walk away feeling like he spent all this money for nothing. Now I will agree. I don't believe that young men should go broke trying to date. I don't think that young men should be spending all of their money trying to court or trying to woo a young woman

Is Gen Z going dutch? #love #dating #GenZ #romance

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:33
Well, let him feed you. Right. Also, a lot of women go out just for the female. It's all over the internet. Many women have said it. They confess up to it. I haven't done that. Not that I'm perfect, but I haven't done that. Well, okay, if you really want to go out with me, this is the man's stance, then let's go Dutch
Adrinne Larry
@Juixy · 5:00


I guess it's up to the individual, whoever you're dating, if they feel that the potential partner is worthy of getting treated on a date or whatever is expected, then it's negotiated, I guess, between the two adults. But I have really reserved a right to have people access me just because they go on a date. They're expecting something that's kind of crazy
Tiye Robinson
@tiyerobinson · 4:43
It's that going back and forth that way. And that's not really being in true community with another person. That's more in being engaged in one upsmanship. So for me, I think people need to have agency in how they choose to operate with someone who they are dating and just be open and honest about what it is they're looking for, what they want, what they don't want, what their expectations are. And whatever those expectations are, it's okay
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:01


Hey, SIS, thank you so much for your input. You gave some powerful insight into the mind of your son who is in the Gen Z generation and what they're seeing and what they are thinking when it comes to dating in this current era. And I will say that he is right. A lot of women are expected to date multiple men, and so they're going on all these dates
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:19


A lot of young men nowadays are competing with a lot of things, a lot of distractions, like pornography and social media. And so those things can kind of give you a skewed perception on relationship, on women and dating and romance and all those things that women typically love the most. It's like with all these other distractions out here, it's hard for men to really know how they should treat women
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:12


Hey, Juixy, thank you so much for responding to this well cast and thank you for your input. I love how you talked about how your one child went on a date and you all paid for the date and you all set everything up and it went really well. I'm glad to hear that. I love to see parents involved in their children's dating life
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:07


But at the same time, if it's a casual situation where we're not exclusive, we're just getting to know one another, we may not even like each other in a few months. I don't know. We don't know where this is going. I don't see a problem with going Dutch whatsoever. Not at all. So thank you so much for your input
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:57
He was very sweet. I had never been on a date like that, to be honest, where someone had done all those sweet things that gentlemen do, looking at me and keeping just enough distance but not being too close. It was really not rushing anything. And I thought it went well. The date was over. He ended up driving back. I checked on him to make sure he was there, because I want to make sure he was safe
@Royalcapability · 4:10

I see it from both sides 😎

It's young men not wanting to pay for dates anymore. I think it's society and the direction that things are going in the era that we in. However, I will say I've heard older men, older than been in their 20s making comments and statements that they are no longer taking a female on a date as far as dinner, paying for dinner
Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:57
And then I think communication will solve so many of these issues, because if you just talk to somebody and you actually conversate with people and you find out about them, then I think this wouldn't be an issue, right? I let it be known up front, right, that, yeah, we could go on a date and depending on how the guy talks, like, I've gone on dates with people, and I paid for myself. It was a date