Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:46

Woman Asks: For Men Who Don’t Cheat, What is Your Secret?

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So one of the guys responded, except the fact that you can't sleep with all the girls in the world, I think that's a good one. Except the fact that every woman out here is not waiting for you to take her home and you can't hop from bed to bed to bed. You know, you just can't physically do it, and so why try? And then he said, to see women as your sister

#love #relationships #romance #monogamy #men #women

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:57
But from my personal experience, because I don't want us to just look at the numbers as the truth. From my experience, there are men out there who want a family and one woman. In all seriousness, you know, I'm married to one. My dad was one. You know, he was big on family, always been big on family. My aunts who are married, they're married to men who, you know, worship the ground they walk on, like, really?
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:14
I don't want to be with anybody else. And so I didn't see those type of responses, which I think would have really pulled on the heartstrings of women because we love to be. We love to be made to feel special, and we love to feel special and to know we are special. And so those types of responses probably would have garnered a lot more of a response from women. But the whole practicality aspect of it, I'm not surprised, because men are logical creatures
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:02
Hey, Tonya, I think this is very interesting. And they had some great responses. I don't know. A lot of people say it's cheaper to keep her, you know, because let's say you do cheat and then you got to get a divorce and all this other stuff. And she has alimony and child support and all this other stuff, and some people just say it's cheaper to keep her
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Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:08


You know, just say you don't want to ruin what you have. You know, just say that you love your woman and you want your love to be action and not just words alone, you know? But I do understand that men process things differently. Physiologically, they're different than we are, and their minds process things differently. So they may see it from a practical standpoint. You know, it makes you wonder, is this why they propose?
d f
@MrDee · 4:47
One thing I found interesting is that, and, you know, just knowing guys, you know, women are a beautiful thing, but the problem is that there is so much variety. And I think that's where men get caught up at when they, you know, I think here's a, here's a dating hack, right? For any women who's listening to this response, a question you ask a guy is, what's your type?
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:10


As always, Mister D's, you give a fresh perspective to this. It's good to get guys to answer these swells as well, so that us women don't just be talking for you, but to actually hear your words. And it is true. If there's more women in the world, that means that there's more variety for men to pick from. Now, do us ladies want to hear that? No. Is it reality? Yes
d f
@MrDee · 4:46


Not sure if it was this one or something else, but intimacy, being inclusive in dating and in a relationship, even prior before marriage, because you get to know there's nothing else in the world that we sign up for to say, I'll just see how it goes. You know, you don't. You don't
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:28


Hey, Mister D, you raised a very, very important point here. Know your partner? My husband and I, we dated for many moons before we tied the knot. So he's more than my husband. He's my friend. He's family. So I know every single thing about him, and he knows every single thing about me, even right down to. It's almost like you could tell what I am thinking just by a mannerism or a look
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:56


They just like beautiful women, and that could be, you know, that could fall into a lot of different categories. And so, and another thing you mentioned, and that's what I was telling Erica, was the practicality. A lot of these men mentioned the practicalities of cheating versus not cheating, the lack of money to keep all these relationships going and not wanting to catch a disease and bring all that