Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:55

Black Twitter Reacts: 33 year old mom of 7 wants to know if she can still find love

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And it really irritates me because some people feel like, because they would not want someone like that, that they speak for everybody. Now, there may be some men out there who would not want to take on a woman with seven children. That's a huge responsibility for a man. But you don't speak for all men, okay? You don't speak for all men. Just like any type of woman that they claim that men don't want

#mother #children #single #love #relationship

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:07
So I think this young lady asked the wrong people. Honestly, I think that she would have been better off asking a more mature, seasoned group of people that have been married, that have had some real relationship experiences, and not the folks that are just still trying to find somebody. And you're asking them because you're in a different place than they are. If you're 33 with seven children, you're in a much different place than most 33 year olds. Let's keep it real
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:16
I've never. I don't see that in my daily life. I see women that are plus size that are happily married. I see men that are short, that are happily married. And likewise, I know people that have kids. I know a woman like her kids are actually older than me. So this was way back in the day, maybe in the. She has six children and married a guy that doesn't have any. I know someone, a couple that I'm close to
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 3:38


One of my good friends, her brother, married a woman who had four children. And so we see it. It happens. But when you bring stuff like that up, suddenly either a, you're lying, you got to be lying. B, just because you saw it doesn't mean that it's common, and c, some people just refuse to believe it exists because they just want to be right. It does exist
Anthony Wills
@rev.wills · 1:51


You are so absolutely right. I mean, even if she asked, you know, unmarried men in their forties or fifties, I bet you she would get a lot of different responses. All of us got our problems, all of us got our assets. And it's difficult to find someone that you click with, no matter what baggage you may have
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:09


I can't speak for all women. You know, it's like we can't speak for what everybody else would want or desire based on our own preferences, standards. And so, you know, I don't know this young lady. I don't know her children, don't know anything about her. But, you know, I pray that she finds love just like the rest of us that are looking for love. I pray that she finds it, too
Anthony Wills
@rev.wills · 1:44


You know, I'm gonna even add even more to this. I believe that we are all the best at being who we are. You know? So everything that makes us up is who we are. And it's how you carry things weighs a lot. I mean, I wish I had children. I mean, if I did, I think that would be the most wonderful thing in my life