Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:37

Why Do Some Church Conferences Only Invite The Same Circle Of Speakers?

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You know, it's time to, you know, broaden the circle of speakers here, broaden the pool of speakers here, and stop counting on the same four or five people to be at every conference. And then have we ever thought that maybe some of these people don't want to be invited to every conference event you do? They don't want to feel obligated that every time you have an event, they have to speak at every event you have. They don't

#church #clique #conference #religion

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 4:06
It's Thursday through Saturday. They would go away in state, you know, in state to a local hotel. But the last two years, they just had the conference at the church, and it was actually free registration. Normally, it's, you got to pay to register it, and you got to get your room and roommate and whatever else comes with that. And I actually love that it was just at the church