Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 6:12

Apparently happy husbands are considered simps

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These single guys also don't have any type of antidote, okay? What he's doing is inappropriate for men. If that's not the type of emotion that men should be displaying, then please show us the proper way he should be expressing himself and then show us how that is working in your life. They don't have an answer for that. They don't have a response for that because they don't have any type of evidence to disprove the behavior that we see in the video

#manosphere #redpill #husbands #wives #marriage #happiness #love

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:41
Because if we want to talk about biblically, man and woman, as far as how it's pictured in there, a man who finds a wife or whatever is supposed to be, like, a good thing. And so why wouldn't you want the best for your good thing, your person who's supposed to be there forever? Why wouldn't you want to continue to love her and show love? If you want her to give you love, you have to show love
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 3:46
They have females in rotation. That's what's going on. So these are the same men who, when they get older, let's not make any mistake, because older men out like this, too. When these men get older, they're alone. That's when they start thinking of settling down. But by then, they've hit the wall. They have diseases and all this other stuff, okay?
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Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 4:53
But people run with it because they don't think, they don't use their heads. If a man is saying that he's happy in his marriage, he actually loves his wife, he wants to make her proud of him, he wants to take care of her, he wants to make sure that he's the best husband that he could be. What's wrong with that? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:21


Let's hear from some men who are just loving their wives and loving being able to build a life and a family with somebody. Yeah, we need to hear more about that stuff right there. So thank you so much
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:38


But these men out here who aren't married or are divorced, and they've got children just everywhere, all over the place from where they've impregnated all these women, they think that they're going to die surrounded by all these people. Not likely they're going to be the ones dying alone. And it's a sad situation because at a time like that, the only people they have to rely on to show any level of compassion are the medical staff that's assigned to them
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:09


But if you are happy and you are rolling with your life and you guys are having a good time and you enjoy one another and you're not shy about it, that's when folks feathers get ruffled and everybody's upset. And now you're a simp and now you're a pick me. And now you're everything except what is positive. They don't have anything positive to say. Suddenly you become a topic
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:56
And like I said, I just heard, like, my wife, my wife, like a whole lot in there. So that makes me happy because we grew up in a home that the relationship wasn't too well. And we talk about that a lot, too. And he actually talks about how he's trying to change that pattern. And we talk about it together. We talk about it all the time, actually, because I think he's been married for maybe five years. I think
Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 1:35


So it's like when you're raising a child, when you're raising a child, you can't say something one time and they get it. You got to keep repeating it, repeating it, repeating it, and eventually it sticks. So we're being pumped with so much negativity in the media, social media, newspapers, television, cinema. It sticks when it becomes the cool thing or the cultural thing, to be negative or to cheat on your wife and to do all these things
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 4:32
Now, let him be happy with whatever he's doing to make his family, his relationship, happy. And I hope the guy is getting the same thing too, from the wife, because this should be like a two way road. Anyway, thank you for listening. Thanks for sharing as always. Bye
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:14
But at the same time, you would think that singles would enjoy seeing happy people in Maurice because we hear so much negativity about marriage. About 50% of marriage is in the divorce and 80% of women are filing for divorce. And we're hearing all these different numbers that don't really push us or encourage us to get married. So you would think that people hearing these stories, it would encourage them, like, okay, maybe there is joy in being married