Mike Ware
@mjfade · 4:41

My happy place

I'm a real estate agent so of course my days are taken up by prospecting, calling people, getting cussed out, hung up on, you name it, just to help people really, to make them understand what's going on, a situation maybe how I could help them in a situation. But it's awfully hard to convince somebody when you constantly interrupt in a day. But I always say sometimes the best interruptions can lead to positive interactions

What makes me happy is dreasing up, with no where to go, but just imagining.

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:29

#askrealpeople #replyweek #travel

I can't whatever it is, I think that we can so quickly lose track of our everything if we lose track of what simply makes us the happiest and better if we find something that really makes us happy that doesn't consistently cost us money. Right? Obviously, you buy incense, you buy a sound machine, you maybe buy an office, you buy a house, you have rent. I get it. There's things we need to buy unavoidable