LG -
@LG90 · 4:54

Woe is me.

And if the friendship is not so great to begin with that they find it necessary to honor their promises to me or give me some kind of time and attention, then I might as well call them out on it and figure out why they are the way they are. Is it genuinely a wonderfully bad series of coincidences that they're too busy and they're already kind of brimming with other thoughts and stuff like that? Or is it just that they don't care much about me?

Lonely in a crowd.



And instead everyone is sort of starving for connection and yet seeking it in all the wrong places and then not recognizing it's right there in front of them for the taking, so to speak. I don't know. I think also sometimes when I start to recognize that happening, I realize that the friendship may have always been like it, but it was that I was growing and changing
LG -
@LG90 · 1:48


I hope I find answers too because the one thing I do to cope with anything it's kind of like my habit is to read a lot of autobiographies of women mostly who've been there, done that and overcome it or listen to podcasts and see what Oprah has to say about the issue. But not even Oprah Owenfree has, I don't think, to my awareness addressed this issue
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 5:00

Acquaintances, good acquaintances and friends - #replyweek

If that means that you are meeting less often, interacting less often, that's fine. That's the new state of the union and one values that over a period of time, because I make this distinction between acquaintances, good acquaintances and friends. When it is acquaintances, I have zero expectations. The good acquaintances probably are not higher, and then with friends it's a little bit higher