Jynnia Lee
@LeeJynn · 0:46

TV Show Made Me Cry - Godzilla, Swell Prompt

Last time something made me cry in a movie or tv show has been the season finale of Godzilla. Dr. Keiko Randa's performance was amazing. I won't give away any spoilers, but it is worth sticking with all the episodes to get to that season finale because she puts on a really emotional scene in that season finale that I definitely made me cry

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp1Feb24 #ugcprompt #TellYourStory @Jeremiah73 | Last time something made me cry

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:24
Whoa. That sounds awesome. I really love it when shows kind of have that finale that is just the cherry on top, and we get to have this big, cathartic moment with the charActer, and I've never even heard about this show, so this is great. I've been looking for something new to watch, so, yeah, I'm definitely going to check it out. Thank you so much, and thank you for participating in the prompt