Kylie Miller
@kyliemiller · 1:00

Philosophy is subjective!

So during this week, I was in a philosophy class, and I love to study philosophy, but I was really, really into Alan Watts for a while. So I kind of stuck with him and read a lot of his work. And I just recently started bringing ranging out. And I forgot how subjective philosophy is because I was hearing I think it was McTaggart's interpretation on time and, like reality and, like time travel. And it really differed from what Alan Watts believed

Comparing ideas from Watts and McTaggart!

Indy Rishi Singh
@MysticScientist · 2:03
And by just focusing on Western philosophy, we actually limit being able to access or we prevent access to some sort of connected, shared values, shared truths within philosophy, shared and objective ideas that could be through all these diverse philosophies
Katie Callahan
@katiecal · 1:55
But definitely those ways of thinking and those ways of looking at the world were different. And it was kind of like you had to kind of pick out where you related, where you didn't, and kind of come to your own conclusion based off of all the different things that I read and what I kind of learned about these different philosophers. And obviously philosophers come from different walks of life, different experiences. So what they talk about and what they teach is going to be different
