Kylie Miller
@kyliemiller · 3:39

Be kind to your brain!

I remember my psychiatrist told me that and I was like, what I feel like I need to just push myself harder and he was like, no in order to be productive and be almost more confident and have a better mindset is to be kinder to yourself. I feel like not a lot of people know that and I feel like it's a very important thing to learn is that you live so much of your life in your head

My struggles with ADHD, good and bad days, how to be kind to yourself:)

Katie Callahan
@katiecal · 1:17
Hi, Kylie. Thank you so much for posting this. I totally understand what you mean by being kind to yourself. I so I go to therapy and I see a therapist once a month. And one of the things that she has always has kind of taught me in the ingrained in my head is when I have these self doubt or these thoughts about myself that aren't very positive or bad self talk. She always tells me she's like, okay, would you say this to your best friend?