Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:34

Social Expansion: Board Game Night

Not every week, but maybe every couple weeks. And I really like the vibe and the people there, though. The thing with, like, going to bars is I go there really to socialize. And then, you know, alcohol is kind of like the byproduct of being there. Like, you don't just go there and not pay money. But today, I, um. I ended up going to board game night. There's a. Another science teacher where I work at
Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 2:38
Hi, Kwal. Well, I will say this for your social. Your social expansion. It sounds like you have a pretty active social life to me, and so that's good. I always wanted to be one of those people that had, like, I was a regular somewhere. I always wanted to be, like, where people can know me and whether that was going to a particular restaurant