Sunitha Ananth
@kathakameshwari · 4:59

Removal of Indra’s sins

Indra sought Brahma's help and he took him to Vishnu. Vishnu said arms and the weapons of the asuras and the devas were entrusted to the Dchi. Before they began to churn the ocean of milk. As none of them came back to clean them, Maharishi Dadhichi swallowed them all which became fused and joined with his backbone the spinal cord. That indeed is the adamantine weapon of vajra. If you beg Maharishi dadhichi, the one of supreme compassion. He will gift it to you

#brahaspati # indra

Sunitha Ananth
@kathakameshwari · 3:35

Continuation of Indras sins

The vimana sheltered the shivalinga. Indra took hold of all the articles for the puja from the heaven. He had his holy bath in the sacred pool and then performed his puja. Lord Shiva manifested before him and in grace he spoke. What may your desire be at this? Indra said, by your divine grace I stand freed of the sin of murder. Besides, I am blessed to perform puja for you
