Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 1:08

Mimi- review

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Namashkar Arjme IK movie jo Mane deikiti Pichle movie mimi Or Mujay movie Bahata Chilagi Surrogate kriti Sano Najo mother Karismiki Surrogate mother joe Banihe Or Joe dancer hoti Or Saroge Surrogate mother Banti takibo Unpasose acting career kupatu Karakaki and Ferrus Bachek parents Hotel as a single mother kesey Apneku Badakar Tihe ismikriti Sanonki acting Pankaj three party GK ATI Muje Bahata Chilagi script Bahata powerful dialogue stable ache cristi humor or story pay balance Achata Mujilata picture

#penandpoetryweek #college voice of india #swellcast #poetsofswell #

Shrawani Shravs
@castleofnovels · 1:46

#moviereview #collegevoiceindia #swellcast #poetsofswell #penandpoetryweek

It is like something how a woman who just pushed herself into the surrogating for others, just for money caught in something else. And I just need to I'm just waiting to see how critic portrayed this character, how amazingly she had put, um, played this role. Thank you so much for sharing this
Nikita Majhi
@Nikitamajhi · 2:04

#penandpoetryweek #poetsofswell #swellcast #swellcollegevoice #nikitamajhi #moviereview #reviewreply #mimi #moviescript #poetryreply #swellreply

The movie is the USP which touched such as sensitive issues in non lethal and non controversial way, which is a salute to the writer for doing his job so truly and the active acting of Kirthi as you said, it was so, so good. The protagonist nails it with her performance here the songs and the story, everything her real side of personality which is where her appreciation lies. Banka's Tivari is star and he elegant