Jennifer Meritil
@journey2selfluv · 4:57

Building boundaries and learning to say "NO"

So when I speak of boundaries, I kind of mean, like, set that wall up and give yourself just a window so people know. You can come to my window, but if I close it, that means no. No harm, no foul. It's not personal, but that means no. And it's okay to say no to even the person that you love the most. No just means that I don't want to do that. I don't want to be there

#buildingboundaries #womensempowercoach #womensmentalhealthcoach.

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:42
Hey, welcome to swell. I really liked the image of the window when speaking about boundaries. I feel like that that captures it perfectly. And and yeah, it is it is, I think, the hardest to say no to family and close friends, people who have expected it from you for a long time, who've expected yes from you all the time. But but it is true that no is not necessarily a negative thing
Jennifer Meritil
@journey2selfluv · 0:55


Hey. Thank you so much for all the awesome compliments. I am so happy that you listened in. I hope that I can get you to listen in every day and maybe start following me. I'm trying to build a following and learn about people and talk to people, give advice, give my stories, s and grow from there. I became a women empowerment life coach and mental health coach for all the reasons that I wish that I had someone I want to help
