original poetree
@jkfhjkjg · 0:43

I am Poetry

I am poetry. I am the essence of expression, the embodiment of my creative style of writing. I am the pain, joy and beauty of all the ups and downs I have experienced throughout my life. I am the spoken words I write. I am the spoken words I live. I am poetry. I am the seed, the water and light that helps my poetry grow. I am the creative vessel that houses this poetic soul. Yes, I am poetry

#writer #words #poems #writingcommunity #writerscommunity #writers #prose #poets #thoughts #write #inspiration #spokenword #literature

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:17
Hey. Welcome to Swell, and thank you for sharing. I liked how you spoke this poem with a lot of conviction, and I love all the images that you go through to tell it and to express this. Thank you so much for sharing
The Poet
@Handsomelouii · 0:11
Wow, bro. This is awesome. Thanks for sharing. I really enjoy your poetry. Keep feeding it to us