Jason Whitaker
@jason29171 · 11:50

Being Autistic Friday, May 03, 2024

Um, I think, wow, what if, like, what if these organizations that wanted to claim to help people who are autistic helped me achieve my dreams and goals instead of them trying to type cast me, I don't know if that's right word. I don't know if that's right word for that or phrase for that, but typecast me into like this stereotypical. You're autistic. So, oh, you're going to, oh, you have pets and you're autistic

fjasonphoto.com patreon.com/jason29171 #actuallyautistic

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:40
New York is definitely a great option. I mean, there's a lot of resources for queer people in a lot of. A lot of places and a lot of events and activities and groups that you can join and be a part of. And, yeah, I would recommend trying it out. It's a very special place. It'll definitely be a shift, I think, from a more rural place
