@homosanity · 4:56

The NFL Draft: Here In Detroit—A Gay View

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And they're bringing. Bringing business back. So I went down there, and I loved, as a gay man who isn't really all that athletic, seeing the sporty people all happy wearing their jerseys. And it was funny. They had, um, a sporting outfit place, and you could buy, like, these huge Mardi gras like chains, but they were thick, sick, and it hung the mascots from any team on that chain. $60. $60. Crazy

#NFL #jockstrap #sports #morejockstraps #detroit

Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 1:12


And so it was crazy to, and really awesome to hear your perspective as someone who is disconnected from the sports world and to still understand how you felt so taken in and drawn to the crowd. And it was just a perspective that we don't, that I don't often get to hear because I'm a sports fan. My whole family are sports fans, and so it's kind of a big deal to us and everything like that