Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:51

I’m TIRED of Seeing This On My Social Feeds, But Will Discuss the Cheating Pastor Viral Story ANYWAY🙄

article image placeholderMarried Abbeville, Mississippi Pastor Fired Days After Pregnant Mistress Confronts Him During Service in Viral Video
Now, a lot of you probably already know how I feel about physical churches. I don't believe we need physical churches anymore. But if you feel the need to continue to go to church because it's something that you've always done or you feel that it's mandated, then please continue to do so. I'm not saying that I would never revisit a church or anything like that, or never visit a church, but if you still believe in the power of church, then please do so

Link to article👉🏽 https://s.swell.life/SU1vGcEVdksTXzV #church #viralnews #socialmedia

Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:48
There's a difference between just speaking the word and carrying yourself in a way that's representative of the intent of the word. And a lot of people come into church with very troubled past and experiences and very bad and destructive habits. And even though they try to better themselves and find the church to do it, a lot of them get really good at reciting word and not really changing what they do or how they approach life
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:48
It's more. I know I can recite what's in the Bible. I have my own interpretation of it. I can look this way in front of the church or the congregation. I can say the right things, but if I can get away with it outside the church, I will continue to do things I won't. You know, I know I shouldn't be doing
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:23


But if the word isn't falling on good soil like it speaks about in Matthew, I believe if you're not absorbing the word, eating the word like it's food, if you're not mindfully eating the word, then you're not going to be able to live the word. And what happens is you become performative, you become a jester, and that's what's happening in these churches. And you're right, I do still see church as a great place for the youth
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 4:54
The second thing is, I think it is even far worse in a situation like this with both parties, because you're essentially going to a church. You're basically there because you are agreeing to live by the tenets of the religion, the religion that you are abiding by, and the philosophy and guiding principles of that particular church. And so you're actively working against a thing on a fundamental level that you're pretending to represent
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:04


And what happens is they're just going to church and bringing their mess in church, which is fine, because the weary, the tired, the sinful are all welcome into God's home, but there's no active practice of changing. And so you have all these scandals happening, and no one willing to repent. The term repent means to turn around and turn away from. No one wants to turn away from these things. That's why we keep hearing about it
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:29


Hey, Kwa, thank you so much. You made several great points. I have nothing further to add to that. Thank you for sharing your personal experience as well. That had to been crazy to witness a man of the cloth try to flirt with your partner or hit on your partner. That had to been crazy
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:33


Hey Andrea. So me being a person who used to go to church and grew up in church, I feel that I do have a right to speak on the church because I am a part of the church with a capital c and not a building. And I never said that I would never visit a physical church again. I said one day I probably will. And that I do still fellowship. It may not be at a building, but I do still fellowship