Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:49

Let There Be CIRCLES’ Performed by Me( Happy National Poetry Month!)

article image placeholderPoetry With Erica Jean | Erica
And so I just thought I'd have fun with the idea of circles. So usually I set music to the background, but I wanted everything to be unfiltered. I wanted you to hear every word, but the next time it'll probably be music with it. But yeah, because it's National Poetry Month, I thought it was perfect for me to open up my podcast again, because on my podcast I can speak longer to my audience, and I used to do manga Mondays on there

#NationalPoetryMonth #Circles #Mandalas Link to podcast: https://ericajean.podbean.com

Todd Heimbecker
@noarms · 0:07
Thank you for sharing that. I love poetry. Again, thank you for sharing that. That was great. Take care. Bye now. Bye