@Garima. · 5:00

How to overcome demotivation

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Hello guys. How are you all? Hope you all are doing swell. So I am back with another sal and today's topic is dream motivation. So we are bizarre koena kurt kafka. This is the single most effective way to reignite your flame. Get the sparkle back, psych yourself up and all those other clip term could drive ambition and motivation. It may sound obvious, but it is true. Yeah, it is right. And don't compare yourself

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Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 2:36
So this happens almost with everyone in this world, every person, how successful he might be at one or the other situation, he or she might feel weighted so how one can overcome it. And I really liked the point that whenever you feel demotivated, first you have to analyze what you are, why you are feeling that particular emotion. If you directly go to someone, you won't be able to understand what was the reason for that thought in your mind
@Garima. · 1:09


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