Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:04

Find Your BAR CODE

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Never lose sight of your barcode and keep nurturing it to grow in life and to remain happy forever. So I thought I'll share this thought with you today. Let me know in the comments. What does your bar code mean for you and how do you nurture it? Thank you so much for listening. Have a lovely day. Bye

#findyourbarcode #barcode #motivation #inspiration

Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 2:46
People are going to bring us a lot of shame and embarrassment. And even inside of us there is a constant inner dialogue that is taking place that if I don't reach that position, if I don't give my best, which I am capable of doing, I am not standing worthy of praise for other people. So there's always a kind of a battle that is going on
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:25


Thank you, Swati. You're absolutely right. Our comparison should be with ourselves and that is how we can really grow in life rather than looking at others and feeling either fomo or any other such emotion which is always negative. So it is good to see how we can become better version of ourselves day by day. Thank you so much for sharing this. Have a lovely Sunday. Bye