Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 4:55

A Life of 105, an Excerpt from my Pet’s Life

My mother gave him some gangajal and switched on the gita part and whispered in his ear, pray to God to go to heaven and return to a healthier body and human life form. We believe in the continuity of the soul through eternity, moving from one form to another, and hence the message. He was gone by the next morning, leaving us devastated. A dog year is equivalent to seven human years, giving him a life of 105 years

#PetStory #spbpetst8 @gaurav1106 @taylor #TellYourStory

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 1:18
Magic of affection, magic of love, magic of learning what not everything. A pet can teach you, everything that you have never thought of. A pet can make you learn everything that you always try to skip. A pet can make your life so beautiful, which makes you feel that you are worth, you are valued and you are loved. So thank you so much, Ranjana, for such a beautiful sway. You really made me emotional. Thank you
Gaurav Chauhan
@Gaurav1106 · 2:36
I'm sorry I couldn't finish or swell today though. You always talk about beautiful things, beautiful teachings and the poems. But when I think of anything where a pet has gone, I just can't fathom the pain the family goes through. Me and my wife being married for five years. But we never planned a baby so far because Kiki and Abu have been our babies and they have filled that void people might feel after marriage, but we never did
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:21


But then it takes the person to actually own a pet to understand these emotions because even when I did not have a pet I had no clue as to what it would be like and how the pet was going to change my life. But then once we had this pet it was like a blessing and a privilege and it was beautiful and those 15 years with tiger were so amazing, so different from the rest of my life. Thank you so much for sharing your viewpoints
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:29


I too have got emotional after listening to Kiki's story and I'm sorry that Kiki had to go through so much in life and it's not easy to, you know, see your pet in pain or any kind of distress and I can understand that you must have got emotional listening to my swell because tiger towards the end had to go through a lot of pain though he never showed it and he never, I mean he was too patient and took it in his stride which was very courageous of him and I don't know, maybe like we adopt these pets, maybe the pets can adopt puppies too
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 2:01
Hi, Ranjana. This actually, excerpt of yours sounded so very poignant, it almost moved me to tears. I know. It's so very difficult, you know, to say goodbye, to be the final adieu to your loved pet or any individual or animal who becomes so much an integral part of your own life. It's so very hard. It's so very difficult to see him going. And you have been so very gracious
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:21


Thank you so much, Swati, for sharing your thoughts, and it is always great to hear from you. Yes, it is very difficult to say goodbye to a loved one. And yes, my mom, she really performed all the rituals that we would have done, and we buried him and had all the puja. Every thing that was done was done like it would have been done for any other family member
