Dewuan .
@FryedOreoĀ Ā·Ā 4:55

Podcast theives are thriving on Anchor! šŸ˜†

article image placeholderAnchor says itā€™s cracking down on stolen podcasts
Google search of it, but I found it on my friend's Instagram, and I thought it was hilarious that people are actually taking advantage of Anchor's easy monetization system because they really don't vet the material. And this was another issue as well. Having copyrighted sounds and movie clips. A lot of people still have this stuff on their podcast, even though they don't have the rights to it. But at what point in time?


Abraham Martinez
@AbeMartinezĀ Ā·Ā 3:13
It's a little frustrating, but yeah, some people ruin it for the rest of us, I guess. Sad to say, but no, thanks for sharing this. It was an interesting article on The Verge. Appreciate it
@AnimangaNationĀ Ā·Ā 4:20
A lot of people move to more prominent podcasting platforms. We're thinking about moving to another network as well and being able to be part of a very tight knit series of podcasts specifically made for geek content. Anchor is just way too big of a platform, and too many podcasts are on there. So I think that this is no surprise people or maybe are getting sick and tired that their podcast didn't work or that their podcast didn't succeed. So they may say, hey, you know what?
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoĀ Ā·Ā 3:44

Changes will be made @AbeMartinez

Now I'm wondering, could this be like black market level, setting up an account and people's identities are being claimed in the process because the foolish thing would be to use your own actual bank account, your legal bank account to do this because they would easily be able to find you via the fake account. They would be able to find other fake accounts. Look at the debit cards that they registered or the bank accounts. Actually, you got to register with the bank account, I believe
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoĀ Ā·Ā 4:11

Would you pay to make Podcast? @AnimangaNation

And that was the attraction with Anchor. Although I have stated previously, you would have to pay via promoting Anchor in your ad and getting those CPMs. I think Anchor gets a little bit of points off of that as well as stripe the place where you convert the online money into real money that you have accumulated. But anyway, thank you, you very much, sir, for participating in the thread
Bernie Goldbach
@topgoldĀ Ā·Ā 2:43

@Dewuan Content ID for voice

Hey, Dewuan, when I first heard rumblings made by anchor anchor as Maya was talking about Spotify coming, the big offer. I thought, you know, they're going to have to be clamped down on and music being inside of Anchor. And they were doing that probably a couple of years ago, saying, don't put music in your podcast because you'll never get lifted up onto Spotify, and I kept doing it and never got flagged by Spotify
Bernie Goldbach
@topgoldĀ Ā·Ā 1:10

@AnimangaNation do you ego search

Hey, man, are you doing any kind of ego searching, like, are you looking for the brand name? The tagline, the logo of the stuff you're doing inauguration. Are you doing that? Is it just a good practice to have some kind of a bot that crawls and looks gives you an alert for somebody in your thought space. Years ago, I made this handle called Top Gold because nobody could spell my surname and it worked
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoĀ Ā·Ā 4:23

Great points @topgold

So yeah, it's interesting and very convoluted in how this is going about exactly what steps will they take going forward to ensure that a person making their content won't have to worry about it being lifted from other people for monetary gain. And I'm also wondering, oh, you had mentioned something about the ID matching of your voice. That is a good practice. In theory, that sounds good
Bernie Goldbach
@topgoldĀ Ā·Ā 1:37
It's a matter of whether they'll use it, whether they have to buy it first, because right now it's military grade hasn't been commercialized as far as I know, but it couldn't be hard to do because after all, the military did didn't make the technology. Google probably did and sold it onto the military as echelon
@AnimangaNationĀ Ā·Ā 2:01
Top gold. Yes, I did. We did a lot of research on Animanga Nation. We only found two websites and a Twitter profile that doesn't even it's not even active anymore. That has animanga. Other than that, we're pretty much the only podcast that has animanganation we have a lot of protection around it and our logo as well. So we make sure that none of our stuff is being taken out of context