Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:50

What’s Your Narrative?

It. What's your narrative? What's your story? Oh, let me guess, let me guess. You don't have labels, narratives. You don't care about all that. You're just you, right? You're just you. That's all that matters. Well, let me tell you something about you. You are, in fact, not purely you, for you have labels to define who you are

Labels establish our Narratives, whether we like it or not.

Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 4:49
If we could find a group that we can identify with, we start to create our own labels. Like what we were talking about yesterday. You know what? Instead of being called African? Why not Native American Indian? So we can even borrow other people's label. We can borrow other groups of labels. If we feel that if we feel that that's what we identify ourselves with, we will borrow other we can we can, like, recycle other other people's labels
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:29


That's when you begin to realize that there's a lot of programming going on, a lot of narrative, so to speak, that are being sown for people that don't have a say so ultimately in their path. So I think you asked the question, what does a person look like with no labels? And it still looks like a person, but just maybe not a person that we would recognize
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 3:34


We're supposed to be a survivor. We're not supposed to be a victim of familial abuse. We're supposed to be a survivor. We're not supposed to have a victim mentality. We're supposed to be the opposite of that because victim mentality is just like being a victim. Well, how is a victim wrong? So, I mean, that's my theory on that, and I'm sure that spun off somewhere you didn't want to go
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:58


Through these labels, we begin to realize that we don't fit a certain mold. And I guess that's when individuality kicks in and hopefully it turns to beautiful things, but it can also get ugly. So, Me, have you found at times people falling in love with labels of themselves, and maybe at some point it could separate the love for them in the process
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 4:22


But I don't let one label overpower another, if that makes sense. I am so many things that they don't even make enough words to cover it. And I believe that. I think even in spirituality, that you don't completely let go of your ego and throw it away, and it's gone and it's trash
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:56


You will have to be committed to the battle of finding your higher self, achieving a renee of a higher self. But it's a battle, and it's not easy. So that's what I meant in terms of falling in love with these labels, with this idolatry, with these idols, with these avatars of self, is but a shortstop on the road to your enlightenment. And you may need times to take a break or to rest or to even relax, but the journey must always begin
