Nathaniel fasuyi
@fash2023 · 1:17

What men dont talk about

My name is Nathaniel. I'm an African, but I live in the US. Actually, I started living in the US. This year. I would like people to join me. I want us to talk about what men faces in life. And they do not want to talk about it, especially in relationships. So I don't know, maybe I can have more people to join me while we discuss this
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:20

#menshealth #psychology

I mean, we could go down the whole line. But I just wanted to drop a couple of topics and see if we could come back and have a little discussion on, um but I'd love to hear some of the things that you think men don't talk about so that we can formulate a pretty healthy discussion on it
