Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 2:48

She married a doll and has a doll famil!

article image placeholderThis Woman Married a Doll
And so it would have been great for her to have supportive friends and a community of people that she could still feel close to even without her parents. Because people lose parents and they end up forming bonds with other people already had other bonds and you don't lean on them. So it's really interesting that she doesn't really have that and people are in the comments. She looks happier and it's like, yeah, that's cool, but why not?


Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 1:17


I only watched half the video, and I already have so much to say. You know what? I'm not going to do this. No, you're not going to get me. Not on this fine Sunday evening. I'm going to go back to smoking my little weed and sip in my water and playing Fortnite, because I'm not falling for this one, because I got no ma'am. No. Bye
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 1:18
But what was more that stood out the most is how many good comments surprised me. Because people would talk s*** about everybody on the Internet, even when you're trying to do something good. And they were, like, backing it up, like, s***, she looks happier than some other people, and it's not necessarily unhealthy. And they were, like, backing her up. Like, I would say, like, 80% of the comments were pop
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 3:02


And then all these questions are going through my head, like, okay, so clearly, I don't know if the doll is d*** non binary or the clearly or lesbian that's okay. LGBT, I don't want to be that person because I don't like people being that person with me because I've transitioned. But in this situation, I feel like there's an exception
Everything Jay
@everythingjay · 4:23
You can't say what you want to say with comedy because I love comedy raising. And one of my things this year is to do stand up like at an open mic. And I'm not telling any of my family, any of my friends. It's going to be something I have to do in private because I don't need any outside views when it comes to that. I've always been super into comedy and I've always been into making people laugh on a day to day basis
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:54


Oh, yeah. Jay, on a serious note, I do agree. I think that the reason she's like that may be due to the fact that she lost her foster parents and attaching herself to these dogs, these inanimate objects