Deepanshu Goyal
@deepanshugoyal · 3:34

Is India Going to loose Unity In Diversity? | Will India remain Secular??

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So will India lose its charm, lose its cultural value? Will India lose its charm of being unified in diversified, in in in in in in diversity? Will India remain secular? My mind like until now India has been divided on the basis of religion like Yah States. But people are divided on the basis of religion. Then what comes? What if India turn into complete Hindu Rashtra? So then it would be divided on the basis of caste as it was earlier used to be in the past

Discussion on increasing rule of BJP Govt. And their ideology of turning India into a 'Hindu Rashtra' #Sayitonswell #convos #politicalviews

Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 1:47
The pantshoot. Very interesting post. Yes, I have heard a lot of chatter about this over the last several weeks, and here are my thoughts. My thoughts are if you mix religion with state, then you progress, because the minute you bring in religious ideology into state, into your federal Constitution, you're bringing in ideas from philosophy that was written many thousands of years back or many hundreds of years ago at a time when things were very different
Deepanshu Goyal
@deepanshugoyal · 3:12
Like, cities are being renamed, even roads are being renamed. I don't know why, Alaba, we know that it was renamed as Priyagaraj and now there were banter going on. There were huge debate or discussions going on to change the name of Haascast City and the Haascast Road. I don't know why it's needed. Like, and by seeing all this, it is completely clear that our politics are sick minded. They need some kind of help. Currently they have this problem