Dare Strickland
@DareD2 · 5:00

Chapter 2 of my BLUE BIRDS FLY

My sister, just younger than me by four years, is a steady, solid, practical yet fancy pedestal holder, and then me in the middle, the bottom layer comfy in a secure place just waiting to be sliced into so someone could see I was there also, between the two, with obvious jobs. Defrosting came when I was 14. My youngest sister. She was a surprise in the box of our cracker jacks

My 'now' version of my life...

Dare Strickland
@DareD2 · 5:00
If someone had watched my dusty trip home, they would have seen a barefoot girl spit, spinning in abrupt circles and walking as if marching to a tune before spinning again while the sandy road whirled up dust that covered my ankles and legs. All I saw when I turned quickly and the dirt road behind me was as it curved and dropped to pass between the train drizzle legs and go on to the highway
Dare Strickland
@DareD2 · 2:53

3rd segment of BLUE BIRDS FLY...

Picking up on bluebirds fly with don't get off the straight and narrow or you'll get Chiggers should be a warning parents give to teens. They show no mercy and don't care if they take up residence in embarrassing places like a menstrual show in reverse. We sisters were covered with pink calm and lotion every night when we fought our playtime business and actually paid attention to the itching whelps on our body as when we lay down to sleep. Chiggers must be nocturnal