The Daily Swell
@dailyĀ Ā·Ā 0:31

20 Qs - Guess this city šŸ™

Welcome to Tuesday, Swell, and we are gonna play a little game of 20 questions here this time about guessing a city. This is one of of my favorite cities. And that's all I'll say. So begin your questions and I Swell. Respond with a yes or no and let's see if you can get to it. I in the next one. Questions

You ask the questions. I'll answer yes or no!

Arish Ali
@arishĀ Ā·Ā 0:03
Is this a city in North America
The Daily Swell
@dailyĀ Ā·Ā 0:04

@arish Not a city in North America!

No, this city is not a city in North America. Good question, though
The Daily Swell
@dailyĀ Ā·Ā 0:07

@RobbinMilne Yes, this country is a member country of the EU!

Very good question. Yes. This country is a member country of the EU
Chantelle Wight
@Aesthetic_19Ā Ā·Ā 0:03
I guess what is the city most known for
Ariel Lee
@bat_in_spaceĀ Ā·Ā 0:07
Does this country speak a Latin based language
Alwin Jeyakumar
@JAJĀ Ā·Ā 0:04

Pioneer in Automotive?

Is this country a pioneer in automotive industry
The Daily Swell
@dailyĀ Ā·Ā 0:05

@Aesthetic_19 I can only answer yes or no šŸ™ƒ

I can only answer yes or no to your question. So I'm not sure how to answer that one
The Daily Swell
@dailyĀ Ā·Ā 0:04

@RobbinMilne Yes, a Germanic language is used there!

Yes. The people there do speak a Germanic language
The Daily Swell
@dailyĀ Ā·Ā 0:05

@bat_in_space No to a Latin language!

No the country or the language in this city is not Latin based
The Daily Swell
@dailyĀ Ā·Ā 0:04

@JAJ Yes this country is a pioneer in the automotive industry!

Yes. This country is a pioneer in the automotive industry
Swell Team
@SwellĀ Ā·Ā 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ariel Lee
@bat_in_spaceĀ Ā·Ā 0:04
Is this country, or is this city in Germany
The Daily Swell
@dailyĀ Ā·Ā 0:03

@bat_in_space Yes, this city is in Germany!

Yes. The city is in Germany
Ariel Lee
@bat_in_spaceĀ Ā·Ā 0:03
Is this city? Munich
The Daily Swell
@dailyĀ Ā·Ā 0:05

@bat_in_space Not Munich!

Now the city is not Munich, though I have heard good things about Munich
Taylor J
@TaylorĀ Ā·Ā 0:05
Does this city have a professional football team
The Daily Swell
@dailyĀ Ā·Ā 0:07

@CaliGooner Yes to football!

Yes, the city does have a professional football team. As far as I can tell
The Daily Swell
@dailyĀ Ā·Ā 0:59

@RobbinMilne Yes, you guessed it!

Yes, Robin. Great answer. The city is Berlin, one of my favorite cities in the entire world. For me, Berlin symbolizes destruction, hope, renewal, complexity, and also just love, which I know sounds corny. But there's something about the energy of that city and the way in which it supports all kinds of artists and people that I really admire. It also has really cheap, delicious beer, which how could you say no to that?