Coach Mike Daniels
@CoachMikeD · 1:26

#TellYourStory | A place in my neighbourhood that I am thankful for...

Hey, swellcast members, it's coach Mike Daniels here. You know, today's topic of place in my neighborhood. You know, I was really thinking about this one. And I can only say that the kids of today, in this era, in this generation, will never experience or probably have. But the creek, being able to go down by the creek was the coolest thing back in the 90s, somewhat of the 80s as well, depending on what generation you're in

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb28 @rocio

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:29
That's so beautiful. I love that. I wish I'd grown up closer to some sort of nature. It was just I was stuck in the suburbs, but I always fantasized about having a little lake or a creek or somewhere to go hang out in nature and just. And just be kids and feel kind of free. That's so beautiful. I can really picture it with the way you describe it. Yeah. Thank you so much for participating in the prompt