Ayushi Chouksey
@Choukseyayushii · 1:34

Support the Woman around you

Hey everyone. So my today's toilet is about support women around you every day is an opportunity to cheer on the women around you every day. You can choose community over competition. Because the truth is everyone is out there doing their best. She too has a dream and a passion and a little self doubt. You are not in competition with each other. When you celebrate her, encourage her and cheer her on you raise her up. We are all more similar than we realize

#sayitonswell #swelltalkindia

Aayan B
@aayanisms · 4:08
Now I totally realize that it is not the case with many women in India because they're surrounded by patriarchal society, patriarchal men and who will probably stop them from even stepping out of the house and make the situation worse if they have their opinion. But it's also a fact that we are in the year 2022, not in 1922. And somewhere while you walk this path to selfrealization and independence somewhere it will be a tough walk, it will not be a walk in the park