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Fun challenges curated by the Swell team. #AtoZPoetsChallenge

Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:18

#PoetryMonth | Letter T - Share your favorite poet! Join the AtoZ Poets Challenge

My Father, let my country awake. For those of you who are new to this challenge, we are doing the A to Z Poets Challenge. As a part of celebrating the National Poetry Month on Swell. We will be doing a letter each day right up to the letter Z. To take part in this challenge, all you have to do is to hit the reply button and share who your favorite poet is. Whose name starts with the letter T. It could be the first name, the last name

#Poetry #AtoZPoetsChallenge #Tagore Share your favorite poet whose name starts with the letter T

Neena Verma
@GrowWithNeena · 4:23

Happy to read out "Roads go ever ever on …" by JRR Tolkien . Hope it inspires hope in you as it does in me. #poetry #tolkien #hope #inspiration

So I decided to read out poem by another favorite literature who's known as novelist, who's known the legendary J. R. Tolkien, whose work is more famously known in The Lord of the Rings, Triology and The Hobbit and all that. But if you look carefully, all these classics, the legendary classics, are full of poetry. Several of his dialogues or monologues are in the poetic form
