Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:27

Diddy did it…

Now, I was like, I didn't think that he was completely innocent, but I didn't want to believe the worst of the worst. But now it's like you can't help but to think that because of this video and everybody was like, well, she settled, so they can't get in for that. But we don't know what she settled on when she got that. That's number one

Stopping in real quick to say my piece and ill be bqck later #letstalkaboutit #diddydidit #abuse #pdiddy

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 3:03
But she was smart. She had the right people around her this time because she had all her receipts. And not just that, but they hit him in all capable ways. And all the businesses, all the businesses that supported him at the time and knew that this was happening across state lines, because now the feds are involved. Once the feds are involved, they not involved for no reason. They're going to find out what happened
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 4:34
Hey, thank you so much for posting this. I never doubted for 1 minute that Cassie was telling the truth. I never doubted it because for years, for years, people have been saying these things about diddy. It's just that he had so much power and so much influence in the industry that nobody wanted to dare go against him
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:50
But it's been some years kind of like, it's like the Bill Cosby thing and R. Kelly thing. It's the same thing. Like, you know, one people with the me too movement, I think what they call it, one person says something, everybody else comes out because now they're brave, you know, because they don't feel alone. They got do it as a group. But she stepped out on her own first
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:07
Really just despicable behavior. I could not believe what I was watching when I saw the video. Came out this morning. And it really just sort of made me think about, a, the fact that violence is never, never warranted, and b, I went to a conference not too long ago, maybe two years ago, a year and a half ago. And one of the nights, you know, after conferences, there's big parties
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:15

Hey. And listening to everybody's response, I just wanted to point out that I had made a swell about this about a week, two ago going down the rabbit hole with Diddy. And let me tell you something that I spent time reading Cassie's actual allegations against him. I read the whole thing, all 35 pages. And there is some facts and receipts in that. She spilled a lot of things
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:55


And she's such a pretty girl, you know, and that's a shame. And I know he took advantage of her because her age, and she was trying to get out in the industry. I mean, that's what people do in the industry, though. They take advantage of people. That's how all the people who've gotten in trouble have done. They have all this money. They put it in their faces. And these people don't have money
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:23


Hey, girl. Hey, KK. You know what? It's really hard to get away from your abuser. I'm saying that because of fact, you know, I know that for to be a fat. I'm sorry. It was a noise in the background. But anyway, it took me years to be able to get away from him because he will hunt me down. He will walk through so many restrict restraining orders. I couldn't go to my parents
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:48


It took me, I had a relationship once, and it took me a long time, longer than it should because I was going through something in life, and he knew that. He beat me down every time, called me ignorant, dumb, all that. So I definitely understand. And I had to, like, step up to him. And then I left, and he begged big
Shawna Kearsley
@OnAcornBay · 4:38

She dod what she had to do the best way she knew how, opened the door for the FBI. Win.

The language and the culture dictates this. So she made the best decision for herself. And I think this decision was about getting some, you know, some relief emotionally, because this is really all about the emotion. You know, there's tremendous emotional abuse and recovery that needs to happen. But this was about getting something, anything. And as it turns out, it now opens up the road for the FBI to go in
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:59

@MsColes77@chitchatwithkk@OnAcornBay@LadyFi@Taylor. PT 1

But you have interviews on him from women that say that he actually protected them from people like Diddy in those environments where he doesn't even allow women to end up in situations like that. But we want to get mad at him, you know, because he's speaking out or he might misspeak or he, you know, or he might wear a make America great again hat. Do y'all realize that that man wearing that hat has gotten some people out of jail that shouldn't be there?
Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:46

PT 2

So, you know, I'm not saying that he's going to grow up to be like his father or anything like that, but hopefully with the things that are going on, that he want to move in a different, you know, take a different direction, you know? You know, parents always say, I want you to be better than me. Now is your opportunity, sir. And y'all already know that. I'll be sure he
