Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 1:24

#BlackHistoryMonth | How can teachers and educators best contribute to Black History Month?

Imagine if the month of February was about more than the same select few people. Even though I cherish those leaders in their own ways, and for many different reasons, I think that it's time to embrace black people as a whole, not just these select figures that are chosen to be propped up year. So that's how I think teachers and educators can best contribute to black History month

#Perspective #splpbhm11

Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 3:10


That was, like, my all time favorite. When I saw that movie, I was like, I'm going to the Air Force. That movie was. It was great. And I think that there are several different people that have had movies made about them, and it doesn't even always have to be, like, something like the Tuskegee Airmen. I think the movie with Ray Charles was great, but it gives them a visual, and it also tells the story
Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 2:22


I could only imagine what watching that movie in school would have done for me. I mean, the book was amazing enough, but, man, the movie in the book. Holy. Holy moly. Holy moly. I don't know what I would have done. I probably would have grown up and been, I don't know, more activist than I am now, even though I've done some activism. But I try to shy away from it. But I'm called to it
