Beaumou Manatee
@BeaumouManatee · 5:00

My brother (10yo) discusses his team's dramatic baseball victory (went from 6-3 loss to 7-6 win in last inning)

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So we were down six three, and early on, we got two runs, and then 1 second early on, we got two runs. Someone was able to hit the ball, and people were able to advance and all that. And then we got one out, and then we had two people on bases, and one other person came to bat. And then he scored a home run. He scored a home run. So we ended up going seven to six at the bottom of the last inning

#baseball #sports #interview background noise from dogs and chatter

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:22
Wow. That's amazing. Huge, huge. Congratulations to you and the team. This is this is awesome. It reminded me of talking with my siblings about our various team wins and losses as well. But that was really sweet. Great. Swell, guys