Avi Chand
@avichand · 4:52

Do you want to travel to India?

Would it be exotic destinations? Would it be mingling with people? Would it be seeing architecture? Would it be food? So, yeah, let me know more. All right, thanks. Bye
Avi Chand
@avichand · 3:46
Because we will then, of course, take your advice into account and try and design the best possible travel and tour options. All right, thank you so much. Bye
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:18
Hey, great question. Actually, India is on my list of places to visit, but honestly, way at the bottom of the list. And the reason why is because I don't know
Debbie Griffiths
@Brkntobldness · 4:55
And at first it was a little bit put off, but after a while, when you start relaxing and going with the flow, the people are very friendly and did not feel safe. But we always traveled in groups, too, so that, I believe, helped. But I hope you do make it to India and do a little bit of everything
Avi Chand
@avichand · 4:56


And especially, you know, with foreigners, people of different skin color coming into India all the time, people know that it's mostly Christians or Muslims, so that's cool. I know India is Hindu dominated. The main religion is Hindu. But with tourists, we know and accept the fact that they are most likely Christians. So religion is not a problem at all. Number two, is there civil unrest? No, there is no civil unrest. India is a very peaceful place that way

#India #Yoga #Dharma #Traveling

Hey, Avi. I would love to visit India. It's at the top of my list. I've been a long time admirer of Indian culture and Sonatana Dharma. I have spent over a decade practicing and also teaching yoga. And, yeah, it's always been a strong desire of mine to visit India. However, I'm currently in medical school, and so that kind of stifles my flexibility in terms of traveling
Avi Chand
@avichand · 4:58


And he's your typical backpacker types, so he can actually probably accompany groups on a pilgrimage, if you will. So, yes, thank you so much. It's given me so many ideas, whatever you've said, and you have very specific expectations from India. So whoever hosts you in India or whoever helps you travel India should keep that in mind, that you have very specific requirements in terms of what you're expecting from the experience

@avichand #yoga #spirituality #westerners

You're very welcome, Avi. Yes, I think that your nephew could potentially have a huge market for Western yoga practitioners that are interested in exploring all the spiritual aspects that India has to offer. But I also would say certainly those people might also be interested in seeing some of the big cities, some of the big tourist destinations