Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 4:49

The Mandalorian Season 2 - Episode One (Spoilers)

article image placeholderAvMando
We won't get into too much more detail about this. I just want to say this started off fantastically from Jump Street. We're off and running on this season of the Mandalorian. You could see there was a lot more money dumped into it this time, at least for this opening episode. And I think we're in for some fantastic Star Wars storytelling for the rest of this season, I may even have to pay for Disney plus


Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:55
Average Joe, I just have to give you a really heartfelt thank you from every single nerd on the face of the planet. Thank you. Why, thank you. Because you did something that every single person that posted any any sort of content should do. And that is, you included one spoilers tag not only in your title, but in the audio that you provided. And, Joe, I love you, man. I really appreciate that
Taylor J
@Taylor · 3:01


Hey, Joe. So I finally got around to watching the episode, and I'm gonna start by saying, I got to listen to the rest of your swell. I don't know if you are aware, but there is a Hulu ESPN Disney Plus bundle. It's something like 13 or 18 somewhere around there. Dollars a month is phenomenal. It's definitely the best streaming package I've ever done
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 2:50
Hey, Taylor. Yeah, I know. I know what you kind of mean about the, you know, bringing people back from the dead. But the thing for me and this is a personal thing with Fat is that in the agreement Expanded Universe, there was a story that he made it out of the Sarlac Pit and that he was badly injured. But he did make it out
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:44
Hey, Joe. So, yeah. First off, totally love that Fed is in this. I'm on board with it. It's gonna be fleshed out. And I think they've already sort of taken some steps towards doing that, namely, you know, when when when FET gets eaten by the starlock Pit, we hear that one line about how you're going to be slowly digested over 1000 years, whatever the exact wording was