Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 0:45

🤯All about Political thriller and adventure Ft. Conversation with Mainak Dhar

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#IndiaSpotlight #Authorinterview 📚Book in Focus - The 1st Assassin : A unit 22 Thiller

Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 1:30
His books have been translated into multiple languages such as German, Portuguese, French, Vietnamese and Japanese. Mr. Dhar is also a passionate student of Karate and holds a black belt and the list continues. Such a multitalented personality. So without any further ado, let's welcome him. Good afternoon Mr. Thur. How have you been? And please tell us how did your writing journey started since you are into the business world managing the corporates. So how did this writing happened?
Mainak Dhar
@mainakdhar · 1:12


And as far as what else I do, you talked about multitalented personality. To be honest, the most important thing I try and do is be the best possible husband and father I can be. So the most important thing to me is family. Then, of course, I have had a full time career in the corporate world. And beyond that, writing is a passion which I try and keep alive every day
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 1:07
So, first of all, thank you for that. Now, moving to the questions around your book, I am pretty much excited to ask first question that I would like to ask around your book is like what inspired you to write a thriller centered around the government assassinations and cons? Now, since you mentioned that your father was into government sector, so definitely, you know, different transfers and moving to different locations nations
Mainak Dhar
@mainakdhar · 2:05


So that's really why I got into the genre in a way. It's my way of almost paying homage to these heroes out there, many of whom we don't know, we don't acknowledge. They honestly don't get the same celebrity status as, say, cricketers or movie stars do in our country
Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 1:06
But today, sir, there is internet, there is social media. We all are on our phones almost all the time. So in today's day and time, how children or how if anyone wants to start reading, develop a habit of reading how one should start, how one should begin, what book one should start reading or one should start with a man magazine. That's my question. And I wish you all the best for your career
Mainak Dhar
@mainakdhar · 2:28


What you talked about, which is seeing today raised generation, grew up in a very different world from the one we grew up in. I mean, I just had a couple of thoughts, speaking as a father and then just as an individual, I think especially when we're talking about youngsters, and every parent would say read, read, it's good for you. The big thing is kids learn more from what they see than what others tell them
Damanpreet Kaur
@authordaman · 0:35
Hello. Very warm greetings to you sir this is Dhaman and I would like to congratulate you on your book being a thriller. I'm sure the book will be a hit in Youngsters and as it is a political thriller youngsters would surely get to know something about the Indian politics and would may develop an interest in it. Sir, this is great to know that you are a family man and yet have managed to follow your passion of writing and that beside your corporate job
Mainak Dhar
@mainakdhar · 1:25


I have my work commitments, I have my family. But over time, through trial and error, I have found this method where wake up early, run while I'm running, I'm thinking about what I'm going to write. Write just 30 minutes every day, and then the rest of the day I can devote to all my other responsibilities. So that's kind of the method I have evolved
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 0:59
Indeed, that's true. And it's quite important for the common man and the common people around to understand that the entire nation is safe in the hands of the army and policemen and the government officials. And you know, there's a saying in Hindi kivo agarwah sarah kadehe or policemen who are undertaking the risk of their lives tabiyam apnea sharma bhuti safe. Definitely. And what we people think they are made up of something else. But no, even they are humans. They have emotions and feelings
Mainak Dhar
@mainakdhar · 2:11


So, really, the whole intention of this is, of course, it's a thriller. And then we see how Major Aditya San goes through this adventure to uncover what this plot is. Along the way, there are a bunch of twists and turns, but what I'd like the reader to take away is, first of all, be entertained. It is a thriller. It's meant to be fun. It's meant to be escapist
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 1:36
Honestly, till date, whatever kind of fictional books that I have read, the plot has literally intrigued me because when it comes to thrillers, it is only about actions, it is about suspense. But here what we see is a real human touch. And obviously when we talk about people who are into army or who are into the special forces to serve the nation, they are definitely strong, tough physically and mentally, but they also have this emotional side of them which rarely it has been showcased
Mainak Dhar
@mainakdhar · 2:40


So a lot of it, I think, in terms of character building comes down to understanding the characters as people, making them flesh and blood, people with stories, aspirations, ideas. Now, the reader may not get everything in a novel, but bringing glimpses of that so that all the characters, whether they're the main protagonist or the supporting characters, show up as people the reader can relate to. The reader wants to know more about and you are
reader 75063
@reader75063 · 1:23


So I want to know how your thought process works. Do you think of the end in the beginning? Or do you just keep on going? Or don't even keep that question of mind in your mind of ending or starting. Just tell me your thought process. However, more or less, you want to divulge in. I will not ask you too many details, but I just want to know an outline. And once again, congrats. I am really, really excited to read your book
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Mainak Dhar
@mainakdhar · 4:05


So, from a process standpoint, I do planning of the plot. I used to do it on a hard copy diary. Now with technology, I do it on my iPad, where I'm scribbling the different threads going on. But a lot of how I enjoy writing is almost going with the flow, taking the story, where it's headed, then doing a periodic check in, maybe after a few days to say, hey, is it making sense? Do I need to course correct?
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 1:06
Yes. I think it's very important to build up that personal touch and connect emotionally and personally with the characters that we portray in fiction. And this is what we readers love reading, actually. When we can literally connect with the character and we can feel that as if we are having a conversation with that character and not feel like, oh, okay, this is a fiction book, here is a character, this is the protagonist, and then the pattern follows
Mainak Dhar
@mainakdhar · 0:27


So I do hope all your listeners get a chance to enter the world of Unit 22, and they enjoy not just the first of assembly, but the other books in the series as well
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 0:43
Wow, this is quite exciting for sure. We all are going to check out your book in the series. And coming to the main question with respect to the writing as a career, this is especially for our youth and younger audience who are looking forward to start their career in writing. So what is that one piece of advice that you would like to give them to the youngsters and to the beginners who are planning to start their career in the writing industry?
Mainak Dhar
@mainakdhar · 1:57


So whatever it is you want to write, you write a blog, write a diary, write a short story, write a poem. But writing is a muscle like any other. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. So rather than wait for that great Indian novel you're going to one day write, just write a little bit every day and start developing your craft
Sonali Sharma
@authorsonali · 1:49
And once again I would like to wish you all the very best for all of your books and may the books achieve many more success. But before leaving, there is one last question that I would like to ask you is what is that one life mantra or life principle that you have been following in your life and you will continue to follow no matter what situation of your life is, what the circumstances are. But you cannot compromise over that life principle
mannya nayar
@shesalliwannabe · 0:19
Good evening, sir. And I would like to ask you, what do you think is actually thriller? What is the essence of it? What actually what actually gives us a thrill and what makes us excited? Why do we get absorbed into it so much? Is it because it's an escapism coping mechanism? Thank you
Mainak Dhar
@mainakdhar · 0:50


You? Hi. That's a really interesting question. I think a thriller and a good thriller should be more than just escapism or a coping mechanism. I think what a good thiller should do is pretty much what happens when we get into a roller coaster. It's a heightening of the senses. It's that adrenaline rush that suddenly makes you more aware of what's going on. It's a raising of the heartbeat. It's not knowing what's coming up on the next twist or turn