Armaan Husain
@Armaan_004 · 3:38

Is the BJP really doing good for the country

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It has divided India into Hindus and Muslims. Lefties and right is capital and Communist and what not? Because of the presence of these hostile groups, India is always fighting with the inner disputes and ideological war. One can always find a couple of these events every day on the news channel. In short, there is a lack of inner unity in this country. Pouring money is not useful places


Sanya Jain
@Sanyaaaa_04 · 1:07
Hey, apples. And if one party or the other is good for the country or not, rather, like, it's like everyone's part, but who's more bad or less. But that's the point of garlic. And so what I think is the most of the wrong thing in mind is that the thinking we have, like, we keep on seeing Muslims and when we talk to even, they come off. But then why is this why we keep saying Monday?
Armaan Husain
@Armaan_004 · 0:55


Yes, I will be the point. But have you wondered who is behind this Naena AAA pear Gorka. Then you will get to know environment means government and all government. So thank you. Bye