Kim Soliz
@apianogirl · 4:43

If I could be a character in any book or movie...

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There was, like a little square cut out in her arm, and you just peeled it back and you could put in and out like a little so called computer chip, this little plastic part to the doll. And. And I think she had one on her leg. And then her head would make this clicking sound, almost because she had a bionic ear. And I was obsessed

#TheSwellQuestionnaire #spptsqp1 https://s.swell.life/SU8v8dJES8KmNtP #TellYourStory



I love that. I love the idea of it. Anyway, thank you. This was a fun trip down memory lane as well as fun imaginings of what might be, you know. Thank you
Emily Stewart
@dourbat · 1:01
Oh my gosh. I totally know what you're talking about. And I am a little bit proud to say that because I am 23, so I was born in 2000, so it was a little bit before my time but not enough to where I forgot completely